We are Saltare

We help business owners extract value from their intangible assets.

Identifying and valuing a company’s intangible assets is a critical first step for business owners looking to sell their business, raise capital, or simply increase ROI.


Are you overlooking your company’s most valuable assets?

In 1975, intangible assets comprised only 17% of corporate value.

Today intangibles account for 90% of business enterprise value. How well do you understand yours?


What are Intangible Assets?

Intangible assets are everywhere within the organization. But most intangibles are not on the balance sheet and not accounted for on the company’s asset register.

Too often these intangibles are overlooked in business valuations and in company negotiations with investors, potential buyers and stakeholders. Business owners rely on old school accounting practices that don't recognize the most valuable assets of a company - their intangibles - and are left with less than satisfying business valuations.

Enhanced Valuations

Have you received a valuation for your company that you’re simply not satisfied with?

We’ll investigate… 

  • What is a fair price to pay for this company?

  • What are your intangible assets worth?

  • Have your communicated your intangible asset value to investors, potential buyers, and stakeholders?

  • Should you invest in (or purchase) this company? 

  • Does your company have hidden value in its intangible assets?

How we’ll help: 

We’ll combine a traditional financial analysis with an intangible asset evaluation, creating a complete representation of the company’s asset value. We provide valuations that take into account the company’s highest-value assets - the intangibles. These assets are not typically included and are often overlooked in traditional valuations.

You’ll walk away with a realistic valuation that can be shared with funders and buyers. With your company’s full value unlocked, it is ready to tell its compelling story to the marketplace and to realize more favorable selling opportunities and funding options.

We identify, manage, protect and value intangible assets for privately-owned companies.

Our highly-experienced team of specialists brings together a wealth of experience in all phases of the process, and have built out a proprietary protocol to help you achieve any of these business goals. Through our enhanced valuation process, we will help you identify, manage and protect your intangible assets and unlock your company’s full value.

When we’re through, your company will be ready to tell its compelling story to the marketplace and to create more robust growth, more advantageous funding options and more favorable selling opportunities.